LA Pumptrack Contest Saturday May 4th 2024

This Saturday, May 4th, we are hosting the first event at the newest pump track in LA. Feel free to stop by and sign up at the track that morning, we will be setting up our booth at 10am and are happy to answer any questions and make sure you can compete in the correct division.
All ages, all skates, and all inclusive!! Going to have some board demos over there so if you don't have a board we’ll have you covered. Tons of prizes and swag will be won/given out. And one of the divisions will win a brand new Super-73 bike.
Starting around 12:30 and going to 2 we will start with the timed races and we have 3 divisions: Beginner (12 and under) , intermediate (12-17), and advanced (17+). For this contest we will have a map laid out on the track and you must complete it as fast as possible, whoever has the fastest time for their age bracket will win!
Next up we have the Death Match, which should begin shortly after the timed races are over. The divisions that we have setup go by the rider's weight: 100-140 lbs, 140-180 lbs, and 180+. This division should run from 2:30- 4pm. This Deathmatch will be a race between 3 riders and they must race through the entire pump track. The first person to cross the finish line wins and will move onto the next round!
Lastly, we will have our Slalom style competition, which should take place from 4-5:30pm. And this is where we want to open up the track to everyone for a freeskate. And we’ll have some judges looking for Style / tricks / spills. And wanting to give everyone a chance to impress our judges to win some free gear